For far too long woman have criticized their bodies, felt unworthy, had low self esteem, and compared themselves to the airbrushed version of  other woman. 

These false beliefs and misperceptions have deep rooted themselves to the point where now many of YOU are living your lives based on something that does not serve your highest good. The roots of our lives have traveled so far from the truth with obsession over body image and looks. The TRUTH is our beautiful sacred temples ARE SUFFERING because of these toxic programed beliefs. 

Jaime Alcone, Sacred Body Priestess, has powerfully declared herself as the vessel to help others move through this intense mind game that is wrecking havoc on so many beautiful souls. She has discovered that by healing these deep rooted karmic patterns ( also called samskaras in yoga), that ALL woman can begin to see themselves in their own skin as BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, FABULOUS, and MORE! She has also personally experienced that this is the ROOT CAUSE of WEIGHT GAIN and many other health conditions! These toxic thoughts accumulate within the body and get stored as fat which you can think of symbolically as a layer of protection from your true self! You may have body image issues whether you are overweight or not in which case these toxic thoughts can be showing up in other areas of your body causing other health issues!

Jaime will guide you in a type of guided meditation(called Yoga Nidra) meant to help you travel deep into the root of these mind habits for permanent transformation. This type of  meditation is called Yoga Nidra and is done laying down...there are no poses involved. Jaime will also guide you in meridian tapping(EFT) and a breathing technique meant to burn up stuck energy. 

COST: $22 


Sacred Body Love Yoga Nidra

~See Yourself as Divine Perfection and Your Body will Respond Brilliantly~